What is my purpose? I found myself asking this question more and more as the weeks of quarantine dragged on. What started off as what I thought would be a week or so off work slowly turned into a month. I wondered when my company would call and tell me that it was time to go back to work. As we stayed home longer I started baking. I started reading. I watched more movies than I would like to admit. What was I doing? I quickly realized that I was placing far too much value in my role in the workforce, and I had never stopped to consider my role as a human being.
The Bible has a few things to say about your value. Isaiah 44 says,
“‘I am the the LORD, who made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself.’” The same God who made the heavens and the earth also made you and me. Colossians 1 says, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Finally Ephesians 2 says, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved—” God knows everything that has happened, and everything that ever will. He existed before the world began, and he created the world. How amazing is it that he created us too! He made us with a purpose, which is to serve him and do his will, and he made us with value.
God didn’t have to create us, but he did so because he wanted to. He knows our hearts and he can see our value beyond what we do. If you find your value in your work, in your spouse, or in your children, you are missing the blessing that God has for us. He wants us to abide in him and walk with him, not as a CEO or supermom, but as one of his beautiful creations. God’s value for you does not exist because of anything that you have done, but solely out of the fact that he loves you. As we continue through these uncertain times, know that the Lord delights in you, and he longs for you to be in his presence.
Christ Culture Community Church is a group of believers in Farmersville/Princeton, TX dedicated to making Jesus known; they are located at 12 Stories Coffee Shop in Downtown Farmersville..